Abstract's Journal

Abstract's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


35 entries this month

16:32 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 592

Ok so, last night I read through the entire Mockingjay book.

Thankfully when times are tough, there is still a library.

Here are my thoughts on the series. I think it's well written, the descriptions are pretty decent. I don't think it should be aimed towards younger crowds, but if it's for teens it would make sense. I found the books to be really emotional and moving.

Now this is the second "mainstream" series I've read recently. I still thing Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is better. That entire series is amazing.

Either way, I'll check out the movie for the Hunger Games. Makes sense.




19:35 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 600

I rarely, if ever, talk about politics in my journal.

Normally it's because I'm of the belief that my opinions are mine, and yours are yours. Plain and simple right?

Well today I mentioned our current situation to a friend when they asked me why we were selling a couple of our games. No big deal right?

Well then there was some assfuck that had to pipe up that I deserved it for leeching off the government and doing nothing to help myself. I also got called liberal scum.

Doing nothing to help myself? I'm a full time student with a GPA of 3.7. My boyfriend works full time (40 hours a week) and manages to drive 30 minutes each way to get to his job. Why? Because any job is better than no job at all.

I'm confused as to why political status/preference has to come into play when there is an obvious need. I could understand being a bit pissed off that people that have no jobs, don't try to get a job, just sit back and leech the government. It's wrong, no matter what your stance on politics is. But both me and my boyfriend make a substantial attempt at making bills and affording food each month. So fuck you.

Also, if you have such a tizzy about what the liberals are doing, go bitch to your local Representative. They are there to represent you. Don't bitch if you aren't actually being active and doing something.

*end rant*



21:13 Mar 30 2012

You got caught in the middle of some small minded idiots trying to look smart. I hate when that happens.

You are doing everything you can and it's none of their damn business why you choose to sell your games.

21:15 Mar 30 2012

Just off the cuff; don't you ever wish we could do like our government and cover our debt by just extending ourselves more credit..

without it being fraud! LOL

That one keeps going through my head.


04:41 Mar 30 2012
Times Read: 613

So after some talking tonight about what can we do.

Few things we have planned.

1. See if I can sell Twisted Metal Black to a friend at school. Or see if they want any of our games period.

2. Find out if I can draw against my Pell Grant for the fall semester...even if just for 100 dollars.

3. Do a buy my store sale for my scrap kits.

4. If all else fails, ask my father for help.

Does this lessen the stress? Not really. But I tagged for a bit to get relaxed. Seemed to help.



05:31 Mar 30 2012

Gotta do what ya gotta do.

I suggest laughing like a maniac when you get really stressed or scared. It should at least make you feel better then crying.

05:55 Mar 30 2012

poke me up also if you want. even if it is just to say hey.

11:39 Mar 30 2012



23:21 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 628

Ugh. Money is going to be super tight this coming 2 weeks.

I'm talking..ramen for dinner tight.

Having to pay for those meds out of pocket is biting us in the ass right now. That amount was our phone bill. Now we have to do the phone bill and rent out of a check that has a day missing of work.

Plus food. Because ya know, my social worker thinks we make more than enough money.

We have 150 dollars left to buy food for two weeks AND gas. He drives a total of 60 miles a day.

Ramen it is. :/



23:40 Mar 29 2012

let me know if you need any coupons. i may have what you need in this area. if of course i got them. :D

watch your sales paper too.

00:04 Mar 30 2012

That is my world too Abs. Myth has a 120 mile round trip to work. Lucky for us his work lets him live in a storage closet otherwise we would be screwed. Any moral support, recipes or anything else to alleviate the stress(even a joke), say the word.


20:25 Mar 29 2012
Times Read: 632

So in the forecast in the past, there has been talk of "frozen rain"

I always thought it was just a fancy way of saying snow.

I learned today that frozen rain is NOT snow. (Mind you, it was in the 60s last week)

It started to snow during my last class, and then changed to frozen rain.

I'm in flipflops.

Let's just say it was a cold run from the building to the bus.




18:06 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 641

This week has kicked my ass already. It's only Wednesday.

I was at the college yesterday for a grand total of 12 hours. I was awake during all 12 of them, despite only getting 5 hours of sleep the night before.

Today is a day of rest until my class tonight. Tomorrow should be a typical Thursday. Choir and then English. Friday I think we have extra rehearsal. I may or may not show up, depending on what happened yesterday.

Few notes about yesterday in general.

I turned in my 10 page paper and got 15 out of 10. How did I manage that?

One of the topics was to write about your favorite season. The problem is that I'm not exactly used to more than one season (Florida and all). So I wrote about hurricane season. I got extra credit points for thinking outside of the box.

In Choir, there has been this huge problem with peer pressure.

There is a tenor solo for one song we are singing, it's a very high tenor part in general. All the other tenors have tried it and it has not ended well. One of them, my buddy, did the "best" considering. He sat down and looked at me. I haven't tried for the solo because I figured someone else could have a chance.

I had every single person in that section telling me to try out, even some basses. Why? Because it's right smack dab in between my range. Right where I'm comfortable singing.

Assholes. I'll be trying it tomorrow.

The damn solo isn't even in English. I hate solos in another language. If I'm going to slaughter a language, I want to do it with a group. That was the reason I didn't want to do it. >.>

I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Here is the song we are doing, this isn't our group obviously. The solo is the call part the guy is doing.



08:07 Mar 29 2012

Aaw you didn't write about mating season? ;p


04:53 Mar 27 2012
Times Read: 644

New Shinedown album=awesome.

I suggest you check it out. It's on Spotify if you don't have money or don't want to download it illegally.




04:32 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 646

So I was asked last week in class what my plans are for when I move onto a bigger and rigorous music program. Where would I go?

Well there were only two answers.

Eastman School of Music or FSU.

Apparently Eastman is the number one college for music out there. Better than Julliard.

Both have a plus to them. I have family that lives in Rochester and nearby. I have my family in Florida.

Choices. D:




23:21 Mar 25 2012
Times Read: 650

Who, in their right mind, would plan an outdoor wedding in September.

In Minnesota.

No, hell no. I'm not going. I can bet there will be snow on the ground at that point.




10:18 Mar 25 2012
Times Read: 664

Stealing a photograph off the internet and then digitally painting over it takes about as much talent as it took for the Black Eyed Peas to add lyrics to Miserlou.

Just sayin...

And this is not VR related.



10:24 Mar 25 2012

And then they claim the graphic as their own...


06:14 Mar 25 2012
Times Read: 665

Back to listening to Blue October on repeat over and over.

I'm not depressed, I just like the calming feeling the music gives me.

I have this bottle with sand and shells in it that we got at Cocoa Beach over Christmas. It's my beach in a bottle. I'm sitting here staring at it and wishing I was back home. Not a sad feeling, just a calming feeling.

I miss the beach. :(




21:58 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 675

My doctor has fantastic timing......

She canceled my appointment this week. Fine, but I've been having issues breathing all week and was holding out for this appointment.

I feel that a trip to Urgent Care will be in order sometime tomorrow or over the weekend.




00:42 Mar 21 2012
Times Read: 683

I wanted to do some bragging here.

Today we had our personal conferences with the English teacher. He handed back our test and papers. He read over the papers in front of us, giving us suggestions, and allowing rewrites to people that botched their first paper up.

Me? I got a great compliment.

"Your writing is in a league of it's own in this class. You are the only person that will not have to rewrite the first paper. You also have a very elegant way with words and descriptions."

I have got to say, this site has helped.

It's been 5 years since I graduated from high school. In that time, I've been keeping my writing up, even if just a little bit, by this journal.

So I guess this is a thank you. Writing here has kept me in shape for writing elsewhere.




11:43 Mar 21 2012

♥ What a lovely thing he said!

15:01 Mar 22 2012

You deserve his words, and more. :)


12:07 Mar 20 2012
Times Read: 688

Attempting to sleep last night was not fun.

I couldn't get to sleep to start off with because I was having coughing fits. So I attempted to wear the mask. That didn't work out so well with the coughing. Then I was freezing. So more blankets and the fan off.

About a hour later I'm sweating and the blankets are all over the place. I didn't have the sense to get up and turn the fan on again. So I slept with no blanket and was sweating my toosh off. I also was having funky dreams about food. Not eating it, cooking it. I ended up waking up with the first alarm and now I'm feeling pooped. Might attempt to get another half hour of sleep before getting ready for class.



23:56 Mar 20 2012

:( :: hug snuggle rest ::


15:12 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 695

When the man is sick, he needs to stay away from me D:

Yesterday we went to the urgent care for him. He has bronchitis. They gave him a prescription for some meds (Which ended up costing us 50 bucks because his insurance sucks) and he started taking them.

That's all fine and dandy.

Today I woke up having issues breathing and this weird tightness in my chest. I'm also more sleepy than normal.

I think I'm going to tough it out until Friday. I have my physical then so no point in two appointments in a week.





02:19 Mar 19 2012
Times Read: 700

Handing out my honor for today and I'm attempting to be funny.

Except I'm watching Jeff Dunham and can't stop laughing.

"Special bonus package! It has wings!"




17:45 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 704

Ok, so as everyone on the planet knows, today is St Patrick's Day.

Ya know, green everything. Even beer.

So here is my warning for everyone. Don't be a fucktard and get drunk and then attempt to drive.

Personally, I'm staying home and watching The Boondock Saints while eating some burgers. :D

So while the rest of the world drinks, I'm gonna drool over some hotties with an irish accent.




19:18 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 719

I have some good news.

As some of you guys know, I have attended therapy for years.

Today I heard the best thing.

"You've been doing really good and I don't see a need for the therapy. If you are ok with it, I'd like to do a termination."

I will still see her once a year for a diagnostic and I still have to see my doctor for the meds.




19:48 Mar 16 2012


22:02 Mar 16 2012



17:16 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 729

So today I was messing around in the kitchen making mac and cheese the way I normally do.

Then I spied my package of swiss.

After tearing up a slice of it, into the cheese it went.

Best. Idea. Ever.

It made it super creamy and super tasty. If you make homemade mac and cheese, consider jut throwing a bit of swiss into it.




22:12 Mar 15 2012



03:08 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 730

Taking a mental day tomorrow.

I only have one class and if I miss it, I'll live.

Plus, my school accommodations state I can take a mental day.

So, mental day.

I need it to recover from class. I gave a 30 minute presentation on Bipolar....





04:18 Mar 14 2012
Times Read: 732

Been a while since I brought up something I'm grateful for, but here it goes.

I'm grateful to have people that care about me. Even though we aren't super best friends, it's nice that you noticed and mentioned that I seemed off.

There is this 17 year old kid in choir with me. I sit next to him, he's bloody brilliant on the piano, and he's just a sweet kid overall. Very mature and fun to talk to.

Today, he realized something wasn't right (I've been slightly depressed) and he asked if I was ok. He didn't do it in a sense that he was thinking I'm crazy. It was very sincere and he didn't make a big deal about it.

He also told me to take it easy (even after I said I was fine!) and took some of the weight on the part so I could back down.

I'm grateful that I was noticed and he didn't take my bullshit. Made me feel like someone cared.

It's nice to see a teenager out there that is smart, mature, and caring. He's going to go very far as a person.




03:06 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 746

I have been pondering how to write this all night, but I think I know where to go with it.

This afternoon, I got a call from my mother informing me that my little brother was in the ER.

The problem was that she couldn't stop from laughing. So I didn't think it was -that- serious.

She explained what happened and I started to laugh as well. I had to explain to Sean why my brother was in the hospital.

He incurred a penal fracture and sprained testes.

Apparently, when he was having sex with his super skinny girlfriend, he hit her pelvic bone.

It shouldn't be funny, since it's slightly serious, but I couldn't stop laughing.

Moral of the story? Big girls don't cause broken dicks.




04:36 Mar 13 2012

Oh wow, I think she needs to put on a little weight eh?

I didn't even know you could actually fracture a penis, no bones.

I tore one once. He had it pierced in a bad place.

11:53 Mar 13 2012


Is it bad I am giggling like a lunatic?

12:10 Mar 13 2012

Not at all. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time.

12:10 Mar 13 2012

LOL I just don't know what to say to this... but hope he gets better.??


02:44 Mar 13 2012
Times Read: 748

Planning a vacation for about a year/year and half from now...

We look at Norway.

"But none of us speak Norwegian" "We can just hope that everyone speaks English as well as Brave and Linca?"

"Until they get drunk..."

Thankfully, I do know the word for cheers...




21:12 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 759

The pot roast smells so tasty. D:

I also got a compliment from my piano instructor. She said I've made great progress!

I also got to play on the harpsichord today. First time ever ._.

That thing sounds funny.



21:19 Mar 12 2012

that's pretty cool man, keep it up!

00:31 Mar 13 2012

It does, and the action is COMPLETELY different than a piano - but when you get used to it? So very nifty!


00:34 Mar 12 2012
Times Read: 767

I love performing, I really really do.

The problem is that after a performance, I always seem to crash. It's like all the adrenaline of being up on stage finally drains out and I need to sleep.

I didn't count that crash into my plans for today...

I was going to go do the concert, eat a bit after, come home and work on my homework and other stuff I need to do.

I. am. pooped.

I cranked out my paper since it was just a short story, but I'm pretty sure it's going to miss the mark when it comes to "descriptive". I also barely hit the word count requirement. Meh.

Now, to get the research done for my presentation this week and the image I need to make.

I just want to sleep. :(




13:28 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 777


I found this nail polish that is like the perfect thing I've been looking for lately. D:

Except I'm super duper broke.


Go drool for me. :(

I also got my first negative honor. Woo! Go me.




04:28 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 785


Online time with good friends.

Best night ever. ♥

Playing Words with Friends while over vent makes it tons more fun.




16:45 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 788

Normally on days I attempt to sleep in, the asshole upstairs wakes me up with his stomping.


The next door neighbor is playing Drowning Pool. Very loud.

He waited until about 10 to start that. The upstairs person starts at 7.

I won't bitch about good tunes waking me up. Plus, it is a semi-decent hour. lol




15:47 Mar 04 2012
Times Read: 800

Slept for like 4 hours with the machine on last night. I ended up having to go to the bathroom and I couldn't be fussed to put the damn thing back on.

Progress though!



18:31 Mar 04 2012

Progress is good. :)


20:39 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 814

Wanted to write this for a while. I need a bit of feedback.

I don't know if my mother is being overprotective or just selfish in this situation.

My real father has been pretty much MIA for the last 22 years of my life. We've been slowly working on talking and all that fun stuff, but he has yet to actually cause any harm to me. In fact, he gave me about 300 dollars for books last semester.

He's been in the Navy for 20 years. He recently retired and has been looking for a job. Until now, he's "lived" in Connecticut. He found a job in Florida. How did I find this out? My mother.

She calls me up bitching about something my father did. I had to ask her a million times what he did.

"He got a job and is moving to Florida. He needs to stay away from Florida and away from Minnesota. There are 48 other states he can find a job in."

Now, I used to live in Florida. My parents still do. Another person that lives down there is my grandmother. Who just so happens to be my fathers mother.

Am I upset that my father will be moving to Florida? About 30 minutes from where I used to live? Not really. I think it's good that he has a job and will be close to his mother.

My mother thinks that it's the devils second coming. He has expressed that he doesn't ever want contact with my mother, and my mother has said the same thing. (Yet they are friends on facebook o.O)

Is she being overprotective or just selfish?

Help? o.o



20:49 Mar 03 2012

For your own sake tell her that you are not jumping into judgements against your father. That is her beef not yours.

My mother has been done with my father for over 20 years and she still hates him. He has tremors and she makes fun of his typing on the kids facebook status's. My brother moved my father into my mom's neighborhood for his own convenience(my brother takes care of my dad)and she freaked. Dad can hardly get around his own house, he isn't going to show up at her house and he certainly isn't a danger to her.

This is about her need for attention and control over the situation and control over you.

Don't let her have it, put your foot down with her.

17:18 Mar 04 2012

Sounds to me like he might be doing the "I am older, going home." that people. He has worked all his life, now he can do what he wants.

And your Mother issues should not effect how you see him. People make mistakes, and if you want a relationship with him- that is your right.

And he might be all of the 'bad guy' rep given to him. You know how life is..mistakes, learning from them and making up from them.


20:18 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 816

I have this love hate relationship with Angry Birds on facebook.

I've beaten most of the levels, but I hate the fact that you get all these fancy things to use. It takes away the fun.

Also, I just answered my first Acolyte question in a long time. xD




05:25 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 834

I wanted to put a little update about the CPAP machine and how it's not working out so well for me.

The doctor said that we are going to try a nose thing where it is just up my nose, and not over it. Considering I have massive sinus problems that will be fun.

The other option?

"I will probably have to prescribe you a strong sleep aid so that you can fall asleep with it on and get used to it."

Fuck. no.

I normally don't have issues falling asleep on my own. There are times when I'm manic, or have a lot on my mind and it makes it harder, but nothing my little low does Ativan won't help. Typically though, I don't have problems.

The other reason I'm against this. I've been on nasty sleep meds in the past. I would be so knocked out that I wouldn't know to get up to go to the bathroom. I also would be feeling hungover for hours after waking up.

Why did I eventually allow my doctor to prescribe me the Ativan?

I was having major issues with panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I was given the initial prescription back in August. It had 3 refills. I've refilled it once since then. At this point, the last refill has actually expired. I believe I still have over half the bottle left. What does this mean? It means that I don't take them often. We also picked this medication because it only lasts for 6 hours. More than enough time to sleep it off and wake up just fine.

This is just a bunch of rambling. The final verdict is I'm going to try the silly nose thingy and see if it works. If it doesn't, I'm sending the damn machine back.

I sleep just fine. I'm just tired all fucking day long.




05:40 Mar 02 2012

Do you have a 'ramp up' setting on your machine? It will start the pressure off small and gradually build to where it is supposed to be. Also another trick is use Vaseline on the inside of your nose at first... it can dry it out until you are used to it.

Also something can happen called 'wash out'. Its where condensation will build up in the tube and if you move just right you'll face a face full of water. Make sure your machine is lower than your bed and see if you can get a insulator for your hose if you haven't already.

I used to think I slept fine too. That was until I got used to the machine and realized I didn't. It will take some time because it is so new, but if you just let yourself get used to it, you'll notice a big difference.

05:43 Mar 02 2012

I have one of those fancy ones that have the auto pressure and a humidifier. The problem is that I feel like I'm being smothered or suffocated with the mask on. It brings back memories of the amazing crap my ex did to me and I start to have a panic attack.

It's not a case of it not working, it's a case of I have a panic attack because of how it fits on my face.

06:35 Mar 02 2012

Stay far away from ambien. That shit made me crazy. =/


02:56 Mar 02 2012
Times Read: 842

I'm not a movie person, that is something a lot of people here know.

I don't do much TV either. I like books though.

The last set of books I read were the ones by Stieg Larsson. (Girl with Dragon Tattoo)

I have to say, the movie was great. I also tend to avoid a lot of movies made from books because the movies tend to gloss over, or skip, the good parts.

They did a great job with this one. The only things left out, were things that really were non-essential in the book as well. There was a small change to a part of the book, but it made sense and still had the same outcome. Overall, I enjoyed it. Something that is rare for me.

I suggest you watch it, if you haven't yet.




22:41 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 845

Sorry for back to back posts. I wanted to share one of the songs we are singing in Choir. Our first performance of this song will be in 11 days. :D

(this is obviously not our group)




13:40 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 846

Last night's class was very interesting.

I also decided that I'm either going to go as sadism or borderline personality disorder for the final.

Next class (in two weeks because we have Spring Break) I get to do a presentation on Bipolar disorder.




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